Konrad Neuberger - Psychotherapy HPG
Please tell me if a link from this site and to this site would be interesting.
- American Horticultural Therapy Association
- Aangepast Groen
- Bureau Aangepast Groen is actief op het gebied van aangepast tuinieren en recreieren voor ouderen en gehandicapten. In onze benadering staan de fysieke, emotionele, sociale en ergonomische aspecten van aangepast groen centraal.
- Promotes the concept of therapeutic gardens to administrators, healthcare professionals, and other key-decision makers who are influential in determining the creation of this alternative form of therapy. Collect, compile and advance state-of-the-art information and research in the specialized practice areas of therapeutic garden design.
- COST Action 866 Green Care in Agriculture
- The main objective of the Action is to increase the scientific knowledge on the best practices for implementing green care in agriculture with the aim of improving human mental and physical health and the quality of life
- Now published: Proceedings "Green Care in Agriculture": Health Effects, Economics and Policies, Thessaloniki 2007; ISBN 978-960-12-1655-3 - including: "The Correlation Effect of Horticultural Activities - The Influence of Working with Plants on Human Experiences" by Konrad Neuberger
- Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California
- Esalen names itself a world-wide network of seekers who look beyond dogma to explore deeper spiritual possibilities; forge new understandings of self and society; and pioneer new paths for change.
- a Youtube-Video about Esalen
- Michael Murphy, Co-founder on Esalen, its history and its individual developmental possibilities.
- GGuT
- Association Horticulture and Therapy (Gesellschaft für Gartenbau und Therapie). A membership organization of professionals in Germany working in the field of horticultural therapy since 1988. In German and in English too.
- Green Exercise
- `Improve your health ... Participate in activities in the great outdoors´
- Farming for Health
- This site is now available again.
- Containing information about the Farming for Health Community of Practice, including an archive of the community activities in previous years
- One of the community actions was to publish an overview of the state of art in farming for Health. You can see the book "Farming for Health. Green-Care Farming Across Europe and the United States of America" online by visiting
- Download version of the book on Farming for Health
- From the meeting of the "Community of practice", at the end of 2007 in Gent:
- Dessein, J. ed. (2008): Farming for Health. Proceedings of the Community of Practice Farming for Health, 6 - 9 November 2007, Ghent, Belgium.(Merelbeke, Belgium: ILVO, 204 pp.) ISBN: 978 90 811007 62
- Hof Sondern e.V.
- The mission of the social-therapeutic community of Hof Sondern e.V. is therapy and care for psychiatrically ill people mainly from 18 to 40. –This site is in German.
- Horticultural Therapy Institute
- The Horticultural Therapy Institute trains students from the U.S., and other countries, to use plants and gardening to improve the lives of others, and become leaders in this field.
- Horticultural Therapy Association of Victoria
- A view on their site and work
- Mitchel Hewson
- Mitchel Hewson is the first registered Horticultural Therapist in Canada
- Naomi Sachs
- designer and executive director of the Therapeutic Landscapes Resource Center, a non-profit organisation.
- People-Plant-Interaction Resource Center
- The People-Plant-Council (PPC) was set up in the USA in 1990 and conducted several symposia in the field.
- Largely as a result of the PPC's initiatives, workshop sessions were held at the XXIVth International Horticultural Congress of the ISHS in Kyoto, August, 1994. Present were representatives from around the world interested in the field of people-plant relationships, in some countries known as Sociohorticulture. As a result, an international committee of the ISHS was set up in this area.
- The mission of the PPC is to document and communicate the effects that plants and flowers have on human well-being and improved life-quality.
- People-Plant-Council
- To promote research and communication of the influence of plants on people
- Thrive
- Thrive is the national charity whose aim is to enable positive change in the lives of disabled and disadvantaged people through the use of gardening and horticulture in the U.K.
- Trellis - Supporting health through horticulture in Scotland
- A network of over 240 therapeutic gardening projects in Scotland to share skills, good practice and get connected
- The Therapeutic Landscapes Resource Center
- A not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing information to the public about restorative landscapes, healing gardens, wellness gardens, and other research-based healthcare design.
- The Center for Health Design
- Supports healthcare and design professionals all over the world in their quest to improve the quality of healthcare through evidence-based building design.
- medium
- Slow Down
- Zen Habits
- Don´t forget to breath and take it in small doses ( Leo Babauta´s site)
- Spice and Supply
- Monterey Bay Spice Company with a special selection of plants
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