Konrad Neuberger - Horticultural Therapy - Psychotherapy HPG
M.A., educationalist, gardener, psychotherapist (HPG)

- Studies in:
Ethnology with Prof. P. Fuchs
Children- and Youth-Psychiatry - Prof. F. Specht
Education (Communication, Co-Counselling, Counselling) with Prof. K. Mollenhauer,
Dr. B. Achterberg, Dr. G. Wartenberg
at the University of GoettingenMagister thesis on "Zen and Social Work"
- Apprenticeship in horticulture in Lindau and Rottenburg, Germany
- 1990-1998 Continuing education in Integrative (Gestalt-)Therapy, Fritz-Perls-Institut, Germany, graduation from Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Petzold und Prof. Dr. J. Sieper
- 1998 Psychotherapy HPG (Heilpraktiker/Natural Health Professional for Psychotherapy, MAGS NRW - SMBI.NW.21221)
- 1983-1996 supervisor Horticultural Therapy, Psychiatric Hospital Langenfeld, Germany
- 1996-2018-11 supervisor at Hof Sondern e.V., a psychiatric after-care unit for adults 18 - 50 yrs.
- 1987-2014 member of the American Association for Horticultural Therapy AHTA
- 1992-2005 member of the English Charity THRIVE
- since 2002 Chair of the Association for Horticultural Therapy GGuT e.V., Germany
- 2006-2009 member of the Management Comittee COST 866 "Green Care in Agriculture"
> Cost 866
- 2009 founding member of the "International Garden Therapy Association" Austria-Germany-Switzerland (IGGT)
- since 2006 lectures in Horticultural Therapy at the Danube University Krems, Austria
- since 2010 seminars in Horticultural Therapy at the European Academy/Fritz-Perls-Institute
- since 1988 publications, presentations and seminars on horticulture and therapy in Germany and abroad